We have been creating advanced properties in our 50,000 square foot facility since 1985. The portfolio includes Production Representative Vehicles, Advanced Proprietary Properties, Commercial / Industrial Equipment, Modules, and Components.
Our development team can work from Math Data, Drawings, Illustrations and even Napkins for:
- One off scale or full size theme selection models
- Press release vehicles
- Show vehicles
- Product Design services
- Prototype interior and exterior
- Vehicle Integration – Alternative Power
- Seating development / Low volume manufacturing
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Advanced Technology Platforms
- Interior and Trim development
- Lighting Module’s
- Full size record models using preproduction and prototype components
- MCA’S ( Mid-cycle action ) vehicles updates for the next generation
- Aerodynamic and acoustical ( wind tunnel) models scale and full size
- Commercial and Industrial Products from Living room to Show room
Prestige Advanced houses all the necessary services needed to conceive and develop your products. Including: Paint, Design/Development, 3D Printing, Composites, Metal, Wood, Clay, Multi Axis Milling, Vac-Casting (urethane) and Vacuum-Forming. Our facility and data transmission capabilities are secure to ensure your confidentiality.
Prestige is where you want your next product developed! Contact us to explore your options…